Yellow : It is the symbol of the luxury of the glory of success. It is also associated with infidelity and betrayal.
White : It is the symbol of the purity of the consolation, innocence, naivety and joy.
Orange : It is the symbol of the joy of the gaiety of the beauty of the size of the balance of the mind and senses.
Rose : It is the symbol of youth. Red: It is the symbol of the passion, courage, ambition, ardent and passionate love also the symbol of the anger and the voluntary temperament but.
Blue : This is the symbol of the air, the wisdom of love pure and Platonic, of the communion of souls, the elevation of the soul.
Purple : It is the symbol of peace, gentleness, generosity, humility.
Green : This is the emblem of the spring, the symbol of hope, joy, optimism.
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